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National Cct before Kings Av

Address:1 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 [Street view]
Route:2 to Cowper St Dickson Shops
2 Woden Bus Stn - Cowper St Dickson Shops
4 to London Cct opp City Police Station
4 Woden Bus Stn - London Cct opp City Police Station
5 to London Cct opp City Police Station
200 to Gungahlin Market Place
200 Iron Knob Street Park and Ride - Gungahlin Market Place
712 to Copland Dr Spence Terminus
714 to Shakespeare Cr Fraser West Terminus
714 Sydney Av before National Cct - Shakespeare Cr Fraser West Terminus
717 to Hardwick St Kippax Fair
743 to Shakespeare Cr Fraser West Terminus
744 to Hardwick St Kippax Fair
765 to Alinga St Canberra House
767 to Alinga St Canberra House
767 Tuggeranong Stn - Alinga St Canberra House
775 to Alinga St Canberra House
775 Clare Dennis Av - Alinga St Canberra House
791 to Catalina Dr
792 to Fairbairn Pk Service Rd

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