53 Dowlin Valley Road, Timboon

Easement and Land Measurement

Property Planning Scheme
Address:53 Dowlin Valley Road
Sold:$220,000 in Nov 2000
Rent:$400 in Nov 2019
Plan No:LP116905
Prop. No:8404
Land size:208131 sqm
Land measurement:219.3m x 230.1m x 100.3m x 433.8m x 164.7m x 26.3m x 8.1m x 8.1m x 9.8m x 9.8m x 7.8m x 7.8m x 7.8m x 7.8m x 8.1m x 8.1m x 6.9m x 6.9m x 8.1m x 8.1m x 5.7m x 5.7m x 8.9m x 8.9m x 11.8m x 11.8m x 2.8m x 2.8m x 7.6m x 7.6m x 7.1m x 7.1m x 7.6m x 7.6m x 6.6m x 6.6m x 7.0m x 7.0m x 5.7m x 5.7m x 6.1m x 6.1m x 4.6m x 4.6m x 4.3m x 4.3m x 4.4m x 4.4m x 3.0m x 3.0m x 5.1m x 5.1m x 6.3m x 6.3m x 2.6m x 2.6m x 5.4m x 5.4m x 5.2m x 5.2m x 4.6m x 315.3m x 29.6m x 155.4m x 24.2m

Red lines are the boundaries of the land lot.
The measurements are in metres.
Thick blue line represents the easement.

© 2022