13 Hovell Drive, Burnside Heights |
Land size: | 546 sqm | Frontage: | 13.9 metre (width) | Depth: | 39.1 metre | Backyard: | west facing | Slope: | Nearly Level | |
Elevation Data |
Front [A] | Center | Back [B] | 87.68m | 88.05m | 88.49m |
The back of the land is 0.81m higher than the front. Degree of slope is 2 percent. (Average building cost of $6,000 for every 1 metre of fall) |
Left [C] | Center | Right [D] | 87.96m | 88.05m | 87.81m |
The left of the land is 0.15m higher than the right. Degree of slope is 1 percent. |