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Berlin Mittlere Mietpreis
Oberschöneweide kaufpreis
AGoethestr. 58, Oberschöneweide
Kaltmiete €600 im Jul 2017
Etagenwohnung: 2 Bettzimmer 1 Bath Zimmer
Grundstueck: 55 m2

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(Kontakt auf Deutsch geht auch)

The landlord wants €25 per person for subletting. I've included the €50 in the Nebenkosten / utilities.

+ Top (4th) floor, sunny
+ Balcony from the kitchen (south side)
+ Fireplace w/ bio-ethanol
+ Keyboard, guitar, ukulele, record player, printer
+ Fully furnished, kitchen, coffee grinder, wifi, etc.
Two small refridgerators, couch on balcony, space to hang clothes
upstairs in attic (Dachboden)
+ Perfect for couples or flat-share (furniture can be re-arranged, couch pulls out to sleep two, etc. the two rooms are separate)
+ Bathtub, washing machine
+ Parking on the street, for FREE

Location is in the 'Dichterviertel' in Schöneweide -- close to the HTW-Berlin uni, some artists studios, the co-working space BETT, Spree and park Wühlheide with open air swimming pool, concerts, etc.

Please ONLY CONTACT if you'll rent for a minimum of 8 weeks !!!
I prefer email:
Or calls: 0176 57710879

You can register your address here, I'll need a copy of your passport and residency permit for the landlord. We can make a small sublet contract if need be.

The reason I'm leaving is that my father is ill. I'll be in the USA for awhile, I'm not sure how long. I'll be leaving Thursday, July 27 and friends are staying in the flat until Aug 2.
You'll have to meet with my friend to see the place if you don't visit before 5am on July 27th.
In der Naehe Oeffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
Firlstr. Bus159 m
Wilhelminenhofstr./Edisonstr. Bus346 m
Britzer Str. Bus908 m
Rathenaustr./HTW Bus517 m
Doku.-zentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit Bus982 m

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