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Osborne to City, South Australia

1. Osborne  [街景]
地址:2 Cousins Court, North Haven
2. Midlunga  [街景]
地址:307-355 Railway Terrace, Osborne
3. Taperoo  [街景]
地址:240 Railway Terrace, Taperoo
4. Draper  [街景]
地址:134 Railway Terrace, Largs North
5. Largs North  [街景]
地址:1 Lamorna Terrace, Largs North
6. Largs  [街景]
地址:26 Hampton Crescent, Largs Bay
7. Peterhead  [街景]
地址:4 Monte Pl, Birkenhead
8. Glanville  [街景]
地址:83 Causeway Rd, Exeter
9. Ethelton  [街景]
地址:16 Wirra Dr, New Port
10. Port Adelaide  [街景]
地址:Portland Pl, Port Adelaide
11. Alberton  [街景]
地址:48 Sussex St, Alberton
12. Cheltenham  [街景]
地址:26 Railway Terrace, Cheltenham
13. St Clair  [街景]
地址:40 Cheltenham Pde, St Clair
14. Woodville  [街景]
地址:LOT 4 Woodville Rd, St Clair
15. Adelaide  [街景]
地址:125 North Terrace, Adelaide
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