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928 Saint Ignatius College to City

1. Stop C1 Currie St - North side  [街景]
地址:148-158 Currie St, Adelaide
2. Stop F2 Grenfell St - North side  [街景]
地址:32 Grenfell St, Adelaide
3. Zone B Klemzig Interchange - West side  [街景]
地址:NE Busway, Klemzig
4. Zone E Paradise Interchange - North West side  [街景]
地址:LOT 100 Darley Rd, Paradise
5. Stop School St Ignatius Senior College Manresa Ct  [街景]
地址:3 Manresa Ct, Athelstone
查看公交时刻表 巴士 928 Saint Ignatius College to City

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