Public Transport | Planning Permit | Business | Property Sold Price
Abbotsford 平均房价
Unit 价格比去年上升11% .
Clifton Hill$1,504,700
Abbotsford Median Rent
The House rent is 上升5% .
Abbotsford 房屋成交价
Abbotsford 3067 地区介绍
A56 Yarra Street, Abbotsford
距离:3.2 公里 to CBD; 337 米 to Victoria Park Station [公共交通]

地图位置 | 街景 | 周边成交价
被市政府指定为 Victorian heritage
Last updated on - January 1, 2014
Precinct statement of significance
Component streets include:
Abbotsford Street, Charles Street, Eddy Court, Gipps Street, Hoddle Street, Hunter Street, Langridge Street, Little Charles Street, Marine Parade, Mollison Street, Nicholson Street, Park Street, Raphael Street, St Phillips Street, Stanton Street, Studley Street, Vere Street, Yarra Street,
Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Charles Street Heritage Overlay Area (part of the Collingwood Flat) (23), was subdivided in 1853 from the properties of R Henry Way and (24 )Sir Charles Nicholson. (25)
An important civic cluster within the Heritage Overlay Area is the Collingwood Town Hall in Hoddle Street (1888) comprising municipal offices, a court house, post office, mechanics institute and a library. (26) When complete it was described as... one of the largest and handsomest near Melbourne ... (27). Other key buildings within the cluster are the bluestone St Phillip's Church of England rectory and the former Church of Christ Tabernacle in Stanton Street (later Collingwood library).
An important element in the area is the railway from Princes Bridge to Clifton Hill. It opened in 1901 on a continuous elevated embankment which eliminated the need for level crossings. The access provided by the railway boosted the residential development of the surrounding area in the Edwardian-era.
Mature street trees are a feature of this area, in the otherwise near treeless Collingwood urban landscape. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) detail plans from c1900 show street trees along the gutter line of Stanton Street, Nicholson Street near the Denton Hat Mills and north of Gipps Street, and in Langridge St west from Nicholson St. No trees are shown in Charles St.
Main development era
The main development period evident in the heritage overlay is that of the Victorian and Edwardian-period, with a contribution from some well preserved inter-war buildings and individually significant places of all eras.
Contributory elements
The Charles Street Heritage Overlay Area includes contributory buildings, mainly (but not exclusively) as small attached and detached Victorian and Edwardian-era one-storey houses having typically:
. Expressed steeply gabled or hipped roofs, with some facade parapets;
. One storey wall heights;
Vere St/Hoddle St巴士281 米
Nicholson St/Johnston St巴士256 米
Vere St/Hoddle St巴士274 米
Victoria Park Railway Station/270 Johnston St巴士280 米
Victoria Park火车337 米


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