Public Transport | Planning Permit | Business | Property Sold Price
Fyshwick Median Price
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Fyshwick property sold price
ABubs Baby Shops
Address:25-27 Townsville Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Distance:7.2 km to CBD

Neighbour Photos
Map | Street view | Nearby property price
Nearby Business:
Natuzzi Store Fyshwick23 Townsville Street20 meters
Canberra Painting Professionals29 Townsville Street29 meters
Sos Surgical Orthopaedic Services35 Townsville Street60 meters
St Hilliers Contracting Pty LtdSuite 2 33-35 Townsville Street60 meters
Parliament ClothingHead Office59 meters
Nearby Public Transport:
Stop nameTypeDistance
Gladstone St before Albany StBus337 meters
Albany St before Townsville StBus220 meters
Albany St before Collie StBus241 meters
Collie St after Wollongong StBus390 meters
133 Gladstone Street FyshwickBus499 meters

The business data is from the public websites.

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