Public Transport | Planning Permit | Business | Property Sold Price
Fyshwick Median Price
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Fyshwick property sold price
AMorgans Carpet Cleaning Pty Ltd
Address:55 Collie Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Distance:7 km to CBD

Neighbour Photos
Map | Street view | Nearby property price
Nearby Business:
Metal Mart53 Collie Street26 meters
Edwards Spray Centre59-65 Collie Street53 meters
Southern Frozen Foods59 Collie Street62 meters
Arteforge51 Collie Street, 260977 meters
Yourtel Pty Ltd79 Collie Street110 meters
Nearby Public Transport:
Stop nameTypeDistance
Newcastle St before Wollongong StBus136 meters
Newcastle St after Wollongong StBus134 meters
Collie St after Wollongong StBus288 meters
Albany St before Collie StBus264 meters
Wollongong St Commonwealth BankBus318 meters

The business data is from the public websites.

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