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974 Roma Mitchell Secondary College to City

1. Stop 19 Regency Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:620 Regency Rd, Broadview
2. Stop 22 Churchill Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:502 Churchill Rd, Kilburn
3. Stop 20A Muller Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:4 Muller Rd, Greenacres
4. Stop 23 Churchill Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:550 Churchill Rd, Kilburn
5. Stop 23A Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:535 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
6. Stop 20B Muller Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:23A Muller Rd, Hampstead Gardens
7. Stop 24 Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:577 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
8. Stop 21 Muller Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:38-56 Muller Rd, Greenacres
9. Stop 24A Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:108 Grand Junction Rd, Blair Athol
10. Stop 22 Rellum Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:70-72 Rellum Rd, Greenacres
11. Stop 22A Birdwood Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:19 Birdwood Rd, Greenacres
12. Stop 24B Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:146 Grand Junction Rd, Blair Athol
13. Stop 25 Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:595 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
14. Stop 23 Princes Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:50 Princes Rd, Greenacres
15. Stop 25A Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:601-619 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
16. Stop 23A Princes Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:18-20 Princes Rd, Greenacres
17. Stop 26 Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:651 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
18. Stop 24 Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:55 Fosters Rd, Greenacres
19. Stop 27 Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:687 Grand Junction Rd, Gepps Cross
20. Stop 25 Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:86-88 Fosters Rd, Northgate
21. Stop 28 Grand Junction Rd - North side  [街景]
地址:2 Montrose Ave, Clearview
22. Stop 25A Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:120-122 Fosters Rd, Northgate
23. Stop A Roma Mitchell Secondary College  [街景]
地址:24-26 Briens Rd, Gepps Cross
24. Stop 25B Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:140 Fosters Rd, Hillcrest
25. Stop 27A Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:182 Fosters Rd, Oakden
26. Stop 27B Fosters Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:243 Fosters Rd, Northgate
27. Stop 32 Grand Junction Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:544 Grand Junction Rd, Northfield
28. Stop 31 Grand Junction Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:518 Grand Junction Rd, Northfield
29. Stop 30 Grand Junction Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:490-492 Grand Junction Rd, Northfield
30. Stop 29 Grand Junction Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:472 Grand Junction Rd, Northfield
查看公交時刻表 巴士 974 Roma Mitchell Secondary College to City

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