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613 Prince Alfred College to City

1. Stop C1 Dequetteville Tce - North East side  [街景]
地址:23 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town
2. Stop D1 Dequetteville Tce - North East side  [街景]
地址:21 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town
3. Stop 2 Bartels Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:LOT 6015 Bartels Rd, Adelaide
4. Stop 1 Bartels Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:82 East Tce, Adelaide
5. Stop Y1 East Tce - West side  [街景]
地址:14 East Terrace, Adelaide
6. Stop R1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:304 North Terrace, Adelaide
7. Stop S1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:254 North Terrace, Adelaide
8. Stop T1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:226-228 North Terrace, Adelaide
9. Stop U1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:165-167 North Tce, Adelaide
10. Stop W1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:134 North Terrace, Adelaide
11. Stop W2 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:106-114 North Terrace, Adelaide
12. Stop X1 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:61 North Terrace, Adelaide
13. Stop Y2 North Tce - South side  [街景]
地址:11-14 North Terrace, Adelaide
查看公交時刻表 巴士 613 Prince Alfred College to City

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