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579 Athelstone to Paradise Interchange

1. Stop 36 Quondong Av - East side  [街景]
地址:15A Quondong Ave, Athelstone
2. Stop 35 Hakea Av - South side  [街景]
地址:18 Hakea Ave, Athelstone
3. Stop 34 Hakea Av - West side  [街景]
地址:2 Hakea Ave, Athelstone
4. Stop 33 Addison Av - South side  [街景]
地址:15 Addison Ave, Athelstone
5. Stop 33M Maryvale Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:22 Maryvale Rd, Athelstone
6. Stop 32 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:290 Gorge Rd, Athelstone
7. Stop 31 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:272 Gorge Rd, Athelstone
8. Stop 30 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:242 Gorge Rd, Athelstone
9. Stop 29 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:206 Gorge Rd, Newton
10. Stop 28 Gorge Rd - South Side  [街景]
地址:178 Gorge Rd, Newton
11. Stop 27 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:148 Gorge Rd, Newton
12. Stop 26A Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:112-124 Gorge Rd, Newton
13. Stop 26 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:88-92 Gorge Rd, Newton
14. Stop 25 Gorge Rd - South side  [街景]
地址:70 Gorge Rd, Newton
15. Stop 24A Darley Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:12 Darley Rd, Paradise
16. Stop 25 Darley Rd - South West side  [街景]
地址:44 Darley Rd, Paradise
17. Stop 25A Darley Rd - West side  [街景]
地址:62 Darley Rd, Paradise
18. Zone A Paradise Interchange - South East side  [街景]
地址:LOT 100 Darley Rd, Paradise
查看公交時刻表 巴士 579 Athelstone to Paradise Interchange

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